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Celebrate Pi2Day with Exciting Challenges and Prizes on Pi Network!

The Challenge Starts on Pi2Day, June 28 and concludes on July 5 at 12 noon, PST.

In celebration of Pi2Day, and in furtherance of the collective building efforts expressed in the PiDay 2023 announcement, we are giving Pioneers a self-guided tour of the Pi ecosystem! The Pi2Day Utility Challenge is an interactive, and hopefully, fun way to explore the various components of the Pi ecosystem and contribute to the usage and creation of its diverse utilities.  

The Pi2Day Utility Challenge consists of completing 11 actions within the Pi platform by using its many apps, celebrating and advocating community-created art, participating in community programs, supporting community developers, and continuing to fuel the network’s tremendous growth. 

With these actions, we’re creating an online experience for the Pi community to come together, celebrate the network’s ongoing accomplishments, and encourage exploration and further creation of Pi utilities. By participating in this challenge, you have a chance to learn more about Pi, contribute to the growth and development of the Pi Network ecosystem, and even get fun Pi swag. There is something in it for all of us! This celebration of Pi2Day brings the community together, showcasing the collective power of Pioneers.


As you complete the actions and achieve certain milestones along the way, you will unlock various prizes. These prizes are keepsakes that represent to you and others your heartful participation and accomplishments in this challenge.

Those who successfully complete all 11 actions will get a chance to win a limited-edition Pi2Day t-shirt. 

How To Get Started

An interactive Utility Challenge Action List should now be available on your mining app home screen for all Pioneers to start today. 

  1. Open your Pi Mining app and click on the Pi2Day challenge button on your home screen.
  2. Follow the prompts on the list and complete each action so you can continue on to the next one.
  3. Once you’ve completed certain milestones along the way, you will unlock the prizes.
  4. Complete all 11 actions and become a Utility Challenge winner, with a chance to win a limited-edition Pi2Day T-shirt.

Below is a detailed list of the action items that make up the Utility Challenge:

  1. Download Pi Browser: The Pi Browser is your one stop access point for the Pi Ecosystem, where you will be able to spend Pi for goods and services and use Web 3.0 Pi apps. Most actions on this challenge require the Pi Browser. Make sure to download the Pi Browser by the Pi Community Company in the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. 
  2. Create: Pioneers must create a Pi Wallet before any of their Pi mobile balance can be migrated to the Mainnet blockchain for real Pi transactions. Extremely important: DO NOT SHARE your Wallet passphrase. Your passphrase should ONLY be entered on the Pi Wallet at the “wallet.pi” URL in the Pi Browser.
  3. Confirm Pi Wallet: Enter your passphrase to complete this step.
  4. Use KYC Reminder: Remind your Referral Team and Security Circle members to start their KYC and Mainnet Migration Process. More of your mined Pi will then be transferable to Mainnet!
  5. Use PiNet to Share Apps: Visit PiNet, Pi Apps on the Open InterNet. PiNet allows anyone to browse, view, and share content from and even interact with Web3 Pi Apps on whichever browser they choose. This product improves accessibility to the Pi ecosystem for Pioneers and non-Pioneers alike as we connect Pi to the Web2 world. Currently this feature only applies to a few selected Pi apps, with the intention to be made available for a lot more Pi Apps in the future. Today, you can start by sharing something you like from the Fireside Forum app’s #PiArt channel. TIP: Copy the url at the top of the page and send it to your friends or post on social media using the hashtag #PiPoweredWorld
  6. Refer Projects through the Developer Ambassador Program: Do you know a software developer? Help create ecosystem utility by inviting them to develop on Pi through the Developer Ambassador Program, and receive Pi as their project succeeds! Visit this in-app page for details, and invite someone from your network.
  7. Visit The Brainstorm App: Visit the Brainstorm App and support Pi community developer efforts by reviewing and rating your favorite #PiHackathon project. Your contributions count every step of the way!
  8. Share your Favorite App on #PiChats: Check out the Testnet Ecosystem UI in the Pi Browser to explore some community-made Testnet Pi apps. Then go to the Pi Chats app and tell us what your favorite app is and why! 
  9. Join Fireside Forum: Fireside Forum is a crypto-enabled Web3 social platform that fosters authenticity, constructive conversations, and healthier online social interactions by integrating tokenomics into the core of social interactions. Access and get onboarded onto the app on your Pi Browser for the newest Web3 social experience!
  10. Rate your favorite Pi2Day PiArt submissions on Fireside Forum: Visit the #PiArt channel on Fireside Forum and rate the PiArt submissions by using your in-app tokens to add or remove Fire. If you don’t have tokens, you can still participate by sharing your favorite artworks on social media. Simply use the Share button in the post and add the #PiPoweredWorld hashtag to your social media post.
  11. Invite a friend to Pi Network: Did you know you can increase your mining rate by adding new Pioneers to your Referral Team? Refer a friend to register a Pi account and start mining to boost your own Pi mining rate. For a chance to claim the final Utility Challenge reward, make sure to complete this last action (i.e., your friend creates an account and starts mining on the app)!

Join fellow Pioneers in exploring the Pi utilities, connecting with the community, and unlocking exciting prizes along the way. Happy Pi2Day, and let’s continue building the Pi project together, and a Web3 future for the whole world!

Pi Network
Use referral code: blog/pi2day-utility-challenge/index.html